"So Long, King James: All Aboard the Ship of Alexandria," available in Kindle or paperback format

"So Long, King James: All Aboard the Ship of Alexandria," available in Kindle or paperback format
"So Long, King James: All Aboard the Ship of Alexandria," available in Kindle or paperback format

Thursday, November 3, 2022

The Supreme Court’s Coming Destabilization of American Democracy

Update: Obviously a surprise to me, but in a 6-3 decision, the Court decided to reject the independent state legislature (ISL) theory. I would simply add, “for now.” The current Court has shown no reluctance to revisit and overturn what its own members have stated is established case law. There’s no reason to presume they couldn’t do that sometime in the future even if they themselves are the Court that established or affirmed the precedent.

Original article:

You may have read that the United States Supreme Court has decided to weigh in on a case known as “Moore vs Harper.” And you may have read some dire predictions that the court will use the case to rule in favor of the “independent state legislature” theory.

What that means is that the court might give state legislatures the go-ahead to overrule their own states’ voters in presidential elections and assign their states’ electors to whatever presidential candidate they choose. That will effectively end American democracy, though I’m sure plenty of people will argue it’s still democracy because the states’ legislators were democratically elected—that is, democratically elected from wildly gerrymandered districts and with active voter interference and suppression. And in deeply red and radicalized states.

The Supreme Court will hear arguments on the case in early December. Their decision will likely be handed down in mid-June of next year. Because I know what the Bible says about the near future of America, I’m almost certain the Supreme Court will rule in favor of the independent state legislature theory. Several legal experts have expressed their concerns over this, and many amicus briefs have been filed urging the court to rule against the theory.

Those experts are concerned because there was no other compelling reason for the court to take this case. If the conservative justices were going to rule any other way, they would have simply declined to consider it and let lower court rulings stand.

I think the court’s far-right majority is eager to rule on this issue now while they have a supermajority. I think they and their Federalist Society colleagues and advisors feel urgency, and that they will not pass on this opportunity, because they aren’t certain they’ll get another chance.

If the court surprises and rules against the independent state legislature theory this session, I will be happy to be proved wrong. It won’t mean the fall of democracy has been prevented, but it may mean it has been delayed. I consider a delay a good thing, and a very good reason to continue to resist fascism even when the eventual outcome is known.

You may have read reports that members of the Supreme Court are worried about the court’s “legitimacy” in the eyes of the public. They (meaning the conservative majority) are not worried enough to back off from their extremist course. I think they’re worried because they want this coming decision (and others they have already made and will make) to be accepted as legitimate and honored and enforced. They want enough support from government and public institutions and the public to make those rulings stick.

And they’ll have plenty of support from sutlers of right wing messaging who will downplay any need to expand the court and overturn the decision, and probably characterize such plans as radical or subversive.

A surprising thing to me is how many Americans want this. They want democracy to end and fascism to take its place. A lot more Americans will join with them once a fascist regime succeeds in seizing power.

At the top of the list of institutions whose support the Supreme Court wants are the United States military and state and local law enforcement. The Moore v. Harper decision will give those institutions a fig leaf of legal cover for them to support and enforce the election coup attempt that will inevitably follow. If the military does get involved, which I think is likely, so much for the Posse Comitatus act.

I’ve written before about how Jeremiah 51:46 (KJV) foretells a second American civil war, one that follows a second “rumour”—an astonishing news story.

46 And lest your heart faint, and ye fear for the rumour that shall be heard in the land; a rumour shall both come one year, and after that in another year shall come a rumour, and violence in the land, ruler against ruler.

There aren’t many news stories that would be more astonishing than a few state legislatures awarding their electors to the minority vote-getter in a presidential election, giving him the majority in the Electoral College vote and a supposed legitimate claim to the win—a claim supposedly made legitimate by the Supreme Court endorsing the independent state legislature theory. (And there’s that word again—legitimate.)

Of course violence will break out, “ruler against ruler”—two leaders vying for the office of the presidency, both claiming an election win and entitlement to the position. Here’s something to note: the verse wording also suggests the violence will occur “in” the year of the second rumor. So it will be a short uprising. That suggests a vigorous military or paramilitary and law enforcement response, and a quick end put to it.

The violence will be all the excuse a new regime will need to suspend future presidential elections, or turn them into single-candidate show elections, at least on the presidential level.

From then on, the holder of America’s highest office will be a king, no matter what he calls himself.

The fulfillment of the rest of Jeremiah 50–51, Revelation 18, and Genesis 19:1–16 (which is about an entire nation’s participation in a culture of abuse, not the behavior of a statistically occurring gay community), will follow.

Turbulent times are ahead. That’s settled truth, because it’s Biblical truth. So move beyond worry about it. Love one another. Take care of yourselves and your families. Be unafraid. Put your faith to work for you. Hold on to your integrity and stand fast on principle, which surely has great promise of reward in the life to come.

Resist rising fascism, but refuse to participate in violence. Don’t legitimize violence by answering violence with violence (Romans 12:17, 1 Timothy 5:22). Look ahead to God’s promised and inevitable justice, and rest in it. Do what you can when you can, help others when you can, speak out against injustice and cruelty when you can. Hand the rest over to God in faith and trust.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

An Update on Where America Stands in Bible Prophecy

By W. D. Penfield. First published on Substack.

Updating previous articles, in terms of the Biblical prophetic timeline, we’re still in the middle of Jeremiah 51:46, in the period between two prophesied “rumours”—two astonishing announcements, or astonishing news stories.

Here’s the KJV reading of the verse:

And lest your heart faint, and ye fear for the rumour that shall be heard in the land; a rumour shall both come one year, and after that in another year shall come a rumour, and violence in the land, ruler against ruler.

We can deduce that the two astonishing news stories are coup attempts. The first attempt, which in a way is still ongoing, won’t succeed. How do we know this? Because unlike the second one, it’s not followed by a civil war.

The second attempt, however, will succeed. It will be followed by a civil war, likely a short one, occurring “in” the same year as the second astonishing news story.

We’re getting a clearer picture as to how the conflict will develop—through a contested national election, with two candidates claiming legal wins and entitlement to the presidency.

One will claim the win under the traditional norms and rules of American elections. The other will claim the win through a judicial ruling and Electoral College maneuver.

It appears the Supreme Court is poised to set that up. The SCOTUS announced it will consider a case that could result in a decision to give state legislatures power to award electors to any candidate they choose, no matter who the majority of their state’s voters choose.

Here is an unrolled Twitter thread by Thom Hartmann with commentary on what that decision could mean. Constitutional law expert Lawrence Tribe comments that step 17 of Hartmann’s thread is legally wrong, but he doesn’t consider that assuring.

So things are setting up for a hotly contested election that will trigger a civil clash—American Civil War 2, with “violence in the land, ruler against ruler”.

Since the Bible foretells it in various places and ways, we can be sure American democracy will not survive the clash and will fall.

But we don’t know how soon these things are going to happen. The Bible simply says it will happen “in another year” after the year of the first “rumour”.

Could it happen in 2024? It’s possible.

I don’t want to peddle false hopes, but I think a few game pieces are not yet in place (though it’s already pretty much checkmate for democracy).

I still have some hope it could be a more few years, maybe even a decade or more before they succeed. Here’s why:

Our current age began with the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., which marked the suspension of God’s offer of the Kingdom to Israel. Our age is Biblically foretold to last a full 2,000 years (it won’t be shortened). This age isn’t due to wrap up until around 2070. For more on this, see my article, Three Offers of the Kingdom and the Duration of Our Current Age.

The destruction of “Babylon,” that is, America, will happen at the end of our current age. How do we know that? The Translation of remaining believers will occur nearly simultaneously.

Our current age does not end with the Rapture, or even a Rapture. It ends—and the next age begins—with a Translation of remaining believers. They’ll be delivered “out of the midst of the overthrow”, as was Lot, and will simply vanish, like Enoch. (More on that in the linked article.)

That will herald the return to Earth of openly observable Divine and supernatural activity. Open Divine and supernatural activity will be a characteristic of the Tribulation period, and it will start with the Translation that ends this age. That places it and the near-simultaneous destruction of Babylon at the end of this current age.

So a fascist America will be functioning up to or around 2070, give or take a few years. It will then meet its own sudden, violent end.

If democracy were to be overthrown in 2024 or 2028, fifty-or-so years would be a long time to keep a fascist autocracy stable and functional. So, again, I hope it’s a few more years before it happens. But it could happen with the next presidential election, or any presidential election after that. The right is moving with speed and enthusiasm now, energized by a rash of radical Supreme Court moves that imply it will support a state legislature and Electoral College coup.

To me, the most frustrating thing about knowing these things are coming is that my brain comes up with lots of ideas on how to fix things and keep it from happening (if only people would listen! If only they’d do the right thing!). (An example of what might be done to stop it is here.)

But I also know that none of those things will work, or, even if they would work, they won’t be done. Bible prophecy is going to fulfill. Nothing can keep that from happening. People in general are either going to facilitate a fascist takeover of America, or not do enough to stop it.

The rest of us will just have to roll with it.

It’s up to us to not fret over that, or over the timing—over exactly when those things will happen. I believe that in whatever time remains for American democracy, we should resist fascism in whatever ways we can for as long as we can—up to the point of bloodshed, but not beyond that. And we should recognize when it’s time to accept the inevitable outcome. Then it’s up to us to turn our attention to our own business, and to helping others. Under an abusive regime in an abusive culture, lots of people will be needing support and help.

Sadly—and this is frustrating, even infuriating—many Christians are participating in the dismantling of democracy, supporting it and cheering it on. As Katherine Stewart wrote in a New York Times opinion piece, “Breaking American democracy isn’t an unintended side effect of Christian nationalism. It is the point of the project.”

They know what they’re doing and where this is all headed. And many of them are excited about it. At the same time, they’ve been seduced through several unscriptural and extra-scriptural doctrines, disinformation and outright lies, appeals to resentment, bigotry, and sanctimony, falsified grievances and indignation, and pious-seeming but errant causes—an addictive roller coaster of powerful, seductive emotions, and the illusion of entitlement to vengeance and righting supposed wrongs—what author Phillip Roth called the ecstasy of sanctimony. They’ve been radicalized into feeling entitled to commit injustices and atrocities to stop or avenge imagined injustices and atrocities—or at least approving when such things are done.

They’ve shifted to an “end justifies the means” moral code. “Let us do evil, that good may come”, an approach that Paul, when accused of it, called slanderous.

Those things are just excuses. Excuses to seize power and “sit in the gate,” a position of political authority, to subjugate others and rule over them, persecute and afflict and bully and abuse and oppress them, impoverish them, and even kill them. And of course they feel righteously entitled to make war, even against fellow Americans and fellow Christians who don’t share their dominionist, hard-right, extremist, racist, misogynist, and unscriptural views.

When democracy does fall, such Christians may even celebrate and interpret the fascists’ “win” as evidence that God approves of the fascist movement and their support of it.

They will come to regret that when that cruel, vindictive, and violent movement turns openly antisemitic, and it becomes clear to them that God is going to step in and judge. They’ll finally come to their senses and speak out against the fascists, who will then turn against them too. (See Genesis 19:1–16.)

Antisemitism is not the only grievance God will have against America. The sin of Sodom wasn’t a statistically occurring gay community. It was a system-wide culture of violence, a system of the strong sticking it to the weak.

It was a system participated in by “all the people of the city, young and old, from every quarter” (Genesis 19:4)—men, women, young, old, all the people, from every point on the political compass.

The Bible defines the real sin of Sodom as follows:

Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy.

– Ezekiel 16:49, ESV)

So, what about a nation that not only does not aid the poor and needy, but also makes people poor, a nation that puts the costs of basic needs out of reach, and drives people into unpayable lifelong debt?

And what about a nation that singles out one group after another for persecution and abuse?

This is the nation America is fast becoming, and in many ways already is.

Many forms of violence are pictured by the behavior of the people of Sodom—it’s not limited to physical violence. Ezekiel 16:49 specifically called out economic violence against the poor. Again, all the people of the city participated in it.

There’s not a single mention of homosexuals in that explanatory verse. It’s not about gay sex among consenting adults in a gay community. They won’t be the cause of God’s judgment. In fact, when a nation’s whole culture is about abuse and violence, gay communities are not the problem. They’re targets and victims too.

They’re among the first in a long line of targets. Bullies and abusers always start with the easy targets, the most vulnerable, the people who will be least defended and advocated for and protected. Then they work their way up the ladder.

Women and their children are targets too, as well as people of color, people of differing religions and politics, immigrants and foreigners, and of course poor people.

All eventually become targets under fascism. The fascist appetite to dominate, bully, oppress, abuse, persecute, and afflict people is insatiable. (All while they claim they are the victims.)

Eventually, Jews will be targets.

The movement’s turn to open antisemitism will finally, finally be the deal breaker for evangelical Christians who supported the movement. They’ll come to their senses. (More or less. They’ll still be misogynists, pictured by Lot offering his own daughters to the mob to abuse.)

And note what happens. When the Christian right speaks out against antisemitism, the fascist movement will drop its own Christian charade.

This is something evangelicals do not realize about the movement. It’s pseudo-Christian. It only pretends to be Christian to draw in their support. And it will grow tired of the charade, and grow tired of Christians and their moralizing to them over antisemitism (and maybe a few other things).

Having consolidated and locked down power, the movement will have no more need for political support from the Christian right, and no need to pretend to be Christian itself. It will suddenly remind Christians that this nation really wasn’t founded as a specifically Christian nation. Christians, like people of all faiths, were but guests—sojourners—here.

The movement will then threaten to persecute Christians even worse than the Jews. What a stunning turn of events that will be for the evangelical Christian right!

Here are the verses from Genesis 19 that foretell this. Note at first Lot calls them “brethren”! He has been totally aligned with them. And he thinks he’s been socializing with fellow Christians!

4 ¶ But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter:
5 And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.
6 And Lot went out at the door unto them, and shut the door after him,
7 And said, I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly.
8 Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof.
9 And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot, and came near to break the door.

By that time, evangelicals will have no ability to reverse things, having no more effective influence in the fascist movement. Having surrendered their own power to vote in their zeal to take that same right away from others, they will no longer have the power to undo what has been done.

When they become targets for persecution too, the angels will draw them back into their own houses, out of the public discourse, and will shut the door. People shut outside will then weary themselves to find the door (verse 11). Jesus is the Door, the Way of salvation.

10 But the men put forth their hand, and pulled Lot into the house to them, and shut to the door.
11 And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great: so that they wearied themselves to find the door.

An interesting detail: When Lot goes to warn his “sons in law”, which indicates they were not saved, but unbelievers still under law, they thought Lot was making a joke. It was a jolting turn of position. Up until then Lot had been an enthusiastic supporter and participant in the fascist movement. Suddenly he’s saying God’s going to destroy this place, after all the years of acting like God blessed the whole thing they did?

12 ¶ And the men said unto Lot, Hast thou here any besides? son in law, and thy sons, and thy daughters, and whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring them out of this place:
13 For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the LORD; and the LORD hath sent us to destroy it.
14 And Lot went out, and spake unto his sons in law, which married his daughters, and said, Up, get you out of this place; for the LORD will destroy this city. But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons in law.

And that’s when God will step in to bring this current age—and America—to an end. Verse 15 says Lot was delivered and the destruction occurred “when the morning arose”, foreshadowing the dawn of the next prophetic age, which will be the Tribulation, and the return of the “light” of open Divine and supernatural evidences to the Earth.

You can read about the destruction and how this age ends in Jeremiah 50-51, Revelation 18, and Genesis 19:1-16. I recommend reading the King James version of the passages. Other versions might nerf some of the details. For example, one alternate version of Jeremiah 51:46 suggests that only the threat of violence will occur “in another year,” not actual violence.

A couple of side notes here: That verse in Ezekiel, along with the description in Revelation 18 of merchants of the Earth weeping over the destruction of Babylon, suggests that America will have a robust economy and remain a big consumer nation even under fascism, right up to the last. But that prosperity won’t be shared with America’s poor classes.

Secondly, the alt-right needed a constituency big enough to keep them in the running, and control of enough state legislatures to pull off the steal. Politicians and manipulators radicalized the conservative side of American politics and consolidated a base of support by pandering to the worst impulses in humanity. They could not have succeeded if a sizable part of the populace hadn’t somehow become “panderable.”

A few decades ago, such politicians would be nothing more than fringe third-party candidates capable of mustering only a tiny fraction of the popular vote. Now they are mainstream, with control of the Supreme Court and enough support to keep vote counts close enough to steal an election and end democracy.

When they succeed, they’ll enact a few popular policies (“See? Things are so much better now! Well, for some people anyway. Just ignore the rest. They deserve it”), and implement threats and force against critics and dissidents, and the “middle third” of political undecideds will switch over and support the new regime. We may be surprised at who eventually comes out openly in support of it. Others will just keep their heads down and mouths shut, intimidated into silence.

So the figure of speech in Genesis 19 will ring true. With few exceptions, “all the people of the city, young and old, from every quarter” will participate in it. And America is the world’s most influential nation, a trendsetter. Many nations of the world will follow America’s lead and drink of the wine of fascism too. (Revelation 18:3)

Here’s my point: As this age comes to a close, God won’t be judging only the leaders of America. He will judge all of America.

Because those three Bible passages do prophesy the fall and end of America, we might feel it is distressing and upsetting information. But God has told us why He informs us: not to upset us or cause us distress, but so we won’t “faint” at the news and sink into despair or fear, or be caught off guard and feel shocked and gut punched when it happens.

God wants us to know that justice is coming. God will bring justice for all the injustices inflicted and atrocities committed by ruthless fascist bullies and ghouls. They are deluding themselves that there will never be a reckoning. Perhaps they rationalize that an eventual reckoning is a price they are willing to pay in exchange for some temporary power and primal gratification of their imagined grievances and resentments. As long as they can afflict people now, they reason, as long as they can get even for whatever wrongs they imagine they’ve suffered, they don’t care what the eternal consequences might be.

They think they don’t care. They will care when the day of reckoning comes.

There’s another good reason to inform people about these things to come: To encourage them to not participate in the movement and its cruelty, abuse, and violence. And in case it isn’t already obvious: that’s what the movement is all about.

There are larger purposes at work in God’s plan in these things too, things to consider.

God does not operate a department of pre-crime. He doesn’t judge people or nations based on what they might do or would do if allowed to do it. They are judged for what they do, or have done. God is dividing wheat from chaff, sheep from goats. He is allowing people to manifest which group they belong to.

God says He is laying a snare for Babylon. He knows the latent evil concealed and lurking just below the surface in America.

He’s going to draw the evil out into full view, put it on display, and expose the charade—the false appearance of moral integrity, character, and exceptionalism. He will lay bare America’s pride, its hubris, its arrogance, its cruelty and violence.

America’s arrogance and moral descent will be most evident when America militarily attacks Israel (probably a missile attack, and possibly utilizing low-yield tactical nukes). That’s foretold in Jeremiah 50–51. That military action will seal America’s fate.

As God has done in the past, He will bring His own greater purposes and greater good out of the evil things men plan and do.

His purposes include the redemption of individuals. Troubled times and the fulfilling of Bible prophecy may draw many to believe on Him—this despite evangelical Christian fascists driving people away from Him.

His purposes also include preparing the way for the end times, which are only a few decades away. America will be removed from the world stage first.

His greater purpose in allowing antisemitism to flourish in America will be to motivate Jews to flee the country. I think we all can agree it would take something big like war or persecution to get any of us to just up and leave our homes and homeland. And America is the homeland of many Jews who were born and raised here. God will be moving as many as possible out so they not only escape the ultimate destruction of this country, but also so they survive into the end times to have another opportunity at redemption.

Don’t dare presume that it would be God’s will to participate in antisemitism and persecution of Jews, in the idea that you’re helping Him accomplish His purposes! God allowing something, and bringing good out of it despite the evil people intend in it, does not mean God approves of it. God always judges those who do such things!

As I mentioned, our current age does not end with a Rapture. It ends with a Translation of remaining believers—they’ll simply vanish, as Enoch did (Genesis 5:24). Like Lot, they’ll be delivered “out of the midst of the overthrow” when the day and hour of America’s end comes (Genesis 19:29).

That last verse has dual (even triple1) application. It also applies to as-yet unsaved Jews who will escape by physically leaving, “sent” out by God. God will then resume His direct dealings with Israel and the Jews, the intent being to save the remnant and restore all of Israel.

And that is God’s great purpose in the end times (the next prophetic period that follows our own age)—to redeem and restore the nation of Israel. Through Israel, blessing and redemption will be spread throughout the world in a glorious Kingdom Age, with Jesus Himself reigning in Jerusalem.

(Note to evangelicals: God Himself will establish that Kingdom with Jesus’ return, not people by violence and war! Jesus will return to end the violence and atrocities.)

So keep your head up, looking for God’s greater good and our own deliverance. Help whoever you can whenever you can. If you’re in business, be decent and fair in what you charge people for goods or services (don’t participate in sticking it to others). Be generous in giving. And never stop standing in your own integrity and character, extending compassion for others, shining as a beacon of what’s right and what’s truth. Reprove the cruelty and evil in this world by refusing to participate in it, and by showing compassion and generosity toward others.

I included a few more details about America in Bible prophecy in a previous article here.

  1. It can also be taught as a picture of the Rapture at the end of the Tribulation.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Six Doctrinal Positions Evangelicals Abandoned to Pursue Nationalism

By W. D. Penfield. First published on Substack.

Not many years ago—in August of 1974—a delegation of congressmen led by Republican senator Barry Goldwater visited Republican president Richard Nixon. They informed him he would be convicted by the Senate in an impeachment trial and removed from office. He promptly resigned.

What Nixon had done hardly compares to some of the crimes and misdemeanors committed by conservative right wing leaders since then. Now, Republicans give them a pass.

What changed? Several things. Among them, the populace has changed. Republican politicians in Nixon’s day knew their constituents would call them to account if they did not uphold their and the government’s integrity.

In the few decades since then, the conservative and evangelical populace has been immoralized and radicalized into overlooking and excusing criminality (even treason), and approving of things like lying under oath (or at least being deceitful under oath)—as long as their agenda gets advanced and implemented. And they think this is pious and noble strategy: “Let us do evil, that good may come”. The apostle Paul characterized such doctrine as slanderous. (Romans 3:8)

The “good” they hope to see done is often not good at all, but evil—cruelty and abuse falsely characterized as good.

That change in moral stance is part of a larger trend. For some time, evangelical Christianity has been throwing their own established doctrinal positions overboard in their plunge into Christian nationalism and fascism.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Is Russia Magog?

By W. D. Penfield. Originally published on Substack, February 24, 2022.

Is Russia the “Magog” of the Bible? Or is Turkey Magog? Why would that even matter right now?

Public domain map of western Russia

It matters because the Trumpist right wing is currently defending and supporting Russia and its actions. Which means, if Russia is Magog, they’re advocating for the region and nation (or nations) that will come up against Israel in the end times (Ezekiel 38 and 39).

I wonder how right wing Christian believers feel about this and how they are getting around it.

I suspect it’s by redefining what country or region Magog represents, perhaps identifying it as Turkey rather than Russia.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

So Long, King James: All Aboard the Ship of Alexandria! — Bonus Article 5

In some places the text of the KJV can present doctrinal challenges, but those places are actually few and far between. The KJV remains an excellent English language translation of the Byzantine text, and there are some good reasons we should leave the text unchanged.
By W. D. Penfield. Originally published on Substack, January 21, 2022.

Why We Should Not Update the King James Bible or Change the Text

Should we update or change the KJV text?

We should not!

Yes, in some places the text of the KJV can present doctrinal challenges, but those places are actually few and far between. The KJV remains an excellent English language translation of the Byzantine text.

So Long, King James: All Aboard the Ship of Alexandria! — Bonus Article 4

A look at some of the difficulties introduced by a hardshell stance on the King James Bible.
By W. D. Penfield. Originally published on Substack, January 19, 2022.

Some Problems With King James Version Onlyism

King James Version Onlyists (KJVOers) are people who believe the King James Version is infallible and that other versions should never be consulted. Some believe that the Byzantine text (Textus Receptus) underlying the KJV should not be consulted either.

Obviously they are absolutists. And some among them are authoritarians, extremists, legalists, racists, and in some cases, cultists.

I said in the introduction that I’m not a King James only person. I’m a King James mainly person. I think KJVOers and KJVOism create difficulties for those of us who also want to defend the Byzantine text family and advocate for the KJV.

So Long, King James: All Aboard the Ship of Alexandria! — Bonus Article 3

Can we consult and use other versions? Of course we can. But do it with the awareness that the Byzantine text that underlies the KJV is more reliable than the Alexandrian text that underlies other Bibles.
By W. D. Penfield. Originally published on Substack, January 17, 2022.

On Consulting and Using Other Versions

Can we consult and use other versions?

Of course we can. There’s no rule or law forbidding it. But do it with the awareness that the Byzantine text that underlies the KJV is more reliable than the Alexandrian text that underlies other Bibles. Compare the reading in the other version to the KJV to make sure it has the same meaning. When it differs, go with the KJV.

The Supreme Court’s Coming Destabilization of American Democracy

Update: Obviously a surprise to me, but in a 6-3 decision, the Court decided to reject the independent state legislature (ISL) theory. I w...